Ethnic Clash Claim Lives of Over 45, 18 Wounded In South Sudan


An official of South Sudan yesterday revealed that over 45 people were killed during an ethnic clash in the volatile nation of South Sudan.

According to the official, not less than 18 others were wounded when heavily armed men from the Atok Buk ethnic group attacked several villages of the Apuk Parek ethnic group in Tonj North County in northern Warrap State.

The county’s acting commissioner, Andrew Deng, told dpa.

According to Deng, several villages were burned to the ground in the attack, while thousands of residents had fled the area.

Local authorities believe the raid was a revenge attack for a similar incident several weeks earlier.
Ethnic clashes have occurred for centuries between ethnic groups in Africa.

Frequent attacks include cattle raiding and sometimes the abduction of children to be used as domestic slaves

photo source:VON